- Click on the name to copy address & paste into your email program if not automatically redirected there.
- Click on the link for the FEA EXECUTIVE BOARD
FEA Representatives Council: (2022-2024)
Unit B Rep At Large Mike Feeney (2023-25) unitbrep.fea@gmail.com
Unit C Rep At Large Nora Kinsella efrep2021.fea@gmail.com
Unit D Rep At Large Pam Coakley feaunitdrep@gmail.com
FHS Building Rep1 Stefanie Morrison fhsrep2021.fea@gmail.com
FHS Building Rep2 Mike Feeney (2023-25) unitbrep.fea@gmail.com
Lawrence Building Rep1 Kristina Woods fealawrencerep@gmail.com
Lawrence Building Rep 2 (vacant) TBD
Morse Pond Building Rep1 Karen St. Germain (2023-25) mpsrep1.fea@gmail.com
Morse Pond Building Rep2 Elizabeth Abbott (2023-25) mpsrep2.fea@gmail.com
Mullen Hall Building Rep1 Cristin Petisca (2023-25) mhrep1.fea@gmail.com
Mullen Hall Building Rep2 Ashley Moore MullenHallRep.fea@gmail.com
East Falm Building Rep1 Tina Roderick efrep.fea@gmail.com
East Falm Building Rep2 Nora Kinsella efrep2021.fea@gmail.com
Teaticket Building Rep1 Lisa Dwyer teaticketrep2022.fea@gmail.com
Teaticket Building Rep2 (vacant) TBD
North Falm Building Rep1 Korey Charles nfrep2022@gmail.com
North Falm Building Rep2 (vacant) TBD
New Member Liaison (vacant) feanewteacherhelp.fea@gmail.com
Current Vacancies:
FHS Building Representative (1)
Lawrence School Representative (1)
Mullen Hall School Building Representative (1)
North Falmouth School Building Representative (2)
Teaticket School Building Representative (1)
Retired Teacher Liaison (1)
New Member Liaison (1)
If if you are interested in filling a vacancy, please contact email Lori Andrade directly.