FEA Officers: (2024-25)
Role Name Email
~President Lori Andrade president2018.fea@gmail.com
~Vice President Caitlin Dugre falmouthhighdirector.fea@gmail.com
~Treasurer Christine O’Brien TBD
~Membership Chair Lynette Perdiz-Cash fea.membershipchair@gmail.com
~PR&R Chair Sue Ripley-Young grievancechair.fea@gmail.com
~Info Systems Manager Caitlin Church webmaster2018.fea@gmail.com
~Recording Secretary Sue Ripley-Young TBD
FEA Directors: (2024-2025)
~Unit B – at large Anne-Marie Iandoli unitbdirector.fea@gmail.com
~Unit C – at large MaryEllen Woods*** teaticketdirector@gmail.com
~Unit D – at large Meg McArdle unitDDirector2018.fea@gmail.com
~Falmouth High School Caitlin Dugre falmouthhighdirector.fea@gmail.com
~Lawrence School Lynn Sciarretta LawDirector.fea@gmail.com
~Morse Pond School Amy Peterson (2023-25) mpsdirector.fea@gmail.com
~Teaticket School Maryellen Woods*** teaticketdirector@gmail.com
~North Falmouth School Michael Iriving nfedirector.fea@gmail.com
~Mullen Hall School Tracy Quidley MHdirector.fea@gmail.com
~East Falmouth School Christine O’Brien efdirector2021.fea@gmail.com
~Retired Member Director Sherri Delmonico unitcdirector.fea@gmail.com
~Ethnic Minority Director vacant vacant
FEA Representatives Council: (2024-25)
Unit B Rep At Large Mike Feeney (2023-25) unitbrep.fea@gmail.com
Unit C Rep At Large Nora Kinsella efrep2021.fea@gmail.com
Unit D Rep At Large Pam Coakley feaunitdrep@gmail.com
FHS Building Rep1 Stefanie Morrison fhsrep2021.fea@gmail.com
FHS Building Rep2 Mike Feeney (2023-25) unitbrep.fea@gmail.com
Lawrence Building Rep1 Kristina Woods fealawrencerep@gmail.com
Lawrence Building Rep 2 (vacant) TBD
Morse Pond Building Rep1 Karen St. Germain (2023-25) mpsrep1.fea@gmail.com
Morse Pond Building Rep2 Elizabeth Abbott (2023-25) mpsrep2.fea@gmail.com
Mullen Hall Building Rep1 Cristin Petisca (2023-25) mhrep1.fea@gmail.com
Mullen Hall Building Rep2 Ashley Moore MullenHallRep.fea@gmail.com
East Falm Building Rep1 Tina Roderick efrep.fea@gmail.com
East Falm Building Rep2 Nora Kinsella efrep2021.fea@gmail.com
Teaticket Building Rep1 Lisa Dwyer teaticketrep2022.fea@gmail.com
Teaticket Building Rep2 (vacant) TBD
North Falm Building Rep1 Korey Charles nfrep2022@gmail.com
North Falm Building Rep2 (vacant) TBD
New Member Liaison (vacant) feanewteacherhelp.fea@gmail.com
~ Indicates member of Executive Board ***dual role – is available if interested
FEA Negotiations Team: 2023-2026
Role Name Email
~President Lori Andrade president2018.fea@gmail.com
Negotiations Chair Lynn Sciaretta LawDirector.fea@gmail.com
Elementary Unit A Rep 1 Tara Draper tara.draper@gmail.com
Elementary Unit A Rep 2 Michael Irving michaelsirving@gmail.com
Unit B Rep 1 Anne-Marie Iandoli unitbdirector.fea@gmail.com
Unit B Rep 2 Mike Feeney unitbrep.fea@gmail.com
Unit C Rep 1 Lori Raber nfdirector.fea@gmail.com
Unit C Rep 2 Michelle Drew miche9263@yahoo.com
Unit D Rep 1 Meg McArdle unitDDirector2018.fea@gmail.com
Unit D Rep 2 Pam Coakley pbcoak@comcast.net
FHS Rep Caitlin Dugre falmouthhighdirector.fea@gmail.com
FHS Rep (vacant)
Lawrence Rep Dan Perea-Kane lawrencerep2.fea@gmail.com
Lawrence Rep (vacant)
MPS Rep (vacant)
MPS Rep (vacant)
FEA Safety Team: 2024-25
Role Name Email
~President Lori Andrade president2018.fea@gmail.com
FHS Rep Caitlin Dugre falmouthhighdirector.fea@gmail.com
Lawrence Rep. Amy Mulvey
MPS Rep Meg McArdle unitDDirector2018.fea@gmail.com
Mullen Hall Building Rep Tracy Quidley MHdirector.fea@gmail.com
East Falm Building Rep Lynette Perdiz-Cash fea.membershipchair@gmail.com
Teaticket Building Rep Maryellen Woods teaticketdirector@gmail.com
North Falm Building Rep Lori Raber nfdirector.fea@gmail.com
FEA Evaluations Subcommittee Working Group: (2024-25)
Role Name Email
~President/Chair Lori Andrade president2018.fea@gmail.com
Unit A MPS Rep Ann Goulart ann.goulart@yahoo.com
Unit A FHS Rep Joanne Palmer palmercapecod@gmail.com
Unit B Rep Sarah Cox sdcox1us@yahoo.com
Unit B Rep Mike Feeney unitbrep.fea@gmail.com
Unit C Rep Maryellen Woods teaticketdirector@gmail.com
Unit D Rep Pam Coakley pbcoak@comcast.net
FEA Action/Outreach Committee: (2024-25)
Role Name Email
~President Lori Andrade president2018.fea@gmail.com
Unit B Rep At Large Mike Feeney unitbrep.fea@gmail.com
Unit C Rep At Large MaryEllen Woods teaticketdirector@gmail.com
Unit D Rep At Large (vacant) TBD
FHS Building Rep1 Stefanie Morrison fhsrep2021.fea@gmail.com
FHS Building Rep2 (vacant) TBD
Lawrence Building Rep1 Kristina Woods
Lawrence Building Rep 2 Dan Perea-Kane (2023-25) lawrencerep2.fea@gmail.com
Morse Pond Building Rep1 Karen St. Germain (2023-25 )mpsrep1.fea@gmail.com
Morse Pond Building Rep2 Elizabeth Abbott (2023-25) mpsrep2.fea@gmail.com
Mullen Hall Building Rep1 Cristin Petisca (2023-25) mhrep1.fea@gmail.com
Mullen Hall Building Rep2 Ashley Moore MullenHallRep.fea@gmail.com
East Falm Building Rep1 Tina Roderick efrep.fea@gmail.com
East Falm Building Rep2 Nora Kinsella efrep2021.fea@gmail.com
Teaticket Building Rep1 Carrie Shanahan teaticketrep2022.fea@gmail.com
Teaticket Building Rep2 (vacant) TBD
North Falm Building Rep1 Korey Charles nfrep2022@gmail.com
North Falm Building Rep2 (vacant) TBD
New Member Liaison (vacant) feanewteacherhelp.fea@gmail.com
Lawrence Rep
Lawrence Rep
Mullen Hall Building Rep
East Falm Building Rep
Teaticket Building Rep
North Falm Building Rep
- Click on the name to copy address & paste into your email program (if not automatically redirected there.)
FEA Officers: (2022-2024)
**** If you are interested, please reach out to Lori directly.